What role will humans play in the future?

A huge amount of work that was previously done by humans is now done much faster by AI, even if that isn’t immediately apparent. Looking up information does not require searching through books, but rather a quick Google search. Getting information no longer requires going anywhere, so people who once provided that information (librarians, travel agents, etc.) no longer have relevant jobs. 

Automation greatly affected blue collar jobs because the machines could perform the same tasks for a far lower cost. What automation did to blue collar jobs, artificial intelligence will eventually do to white collar jobs. What can people do in an AI world? AI can assist people, replace them or take care of tasks to make life more convenient. Humans still have more general intelligence than AI, as AI remains focused on the specific tasks it needs to perform. While people are currently working alongside AI, only time will tell how a world with more advanced AI will change the careers and livelihoods of people.

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