Understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI)

To understand artificial intelligence (AI), it is important first to define what “intelligence” is, and how it is gained through humans and AI. Intelligence is essentially having a goal and being able to form a trajectory to that goal through analysis. People can be seen as intelligent in certain areas if they perform well on specific tests (such as exam scores), but people primarily have general intelligence; having knowledge about multiple topics. Ai differs because it is often programmed to have a high amount of knowledge about a specific topic or function, depending on what task it was built to perform. 

However, the reach of intelligence for AI has become far greater due to the amount of knowledge that is readily available (via the internet, for example). Modern artificial intelligence has access to so much more data, it can even learn from the information it processes. This is seen in Google searches, for example. The AI for Google searches can use applied machine learning to form predictive analytics from the data it gathers (in other words, search suggestions).

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